I’ve decided to begin this 40 day challenge because I realized that, even though my mind was already resonating with what my soul wants, my body still holds inertia from the past, and day after day, I find myself slipping into old patterns and my comfort zone. Follow my challenge in Instagram (Spanish & English) and Facebook (Spanish): Also, in my life I have suffered three depressions, and I have always had an incline to states of sadness and aloneness. And, as a psychologist, I am used to dealing with emotional pain and sadness, even though I have already realized that to help people change and improve themselves and their lives, it is no longer necessary to engage in years of deep trauma and shadow work. Everything is lighter and quicker now. But change occurs when your vibration is high, and I am determined to make change happen for me. So this is why I was inspired to begin this challenge, which will, for 40 days, engage me in concentrating on positive emotions that uplift. And I want to share with you. The reason I chose this amount of time is because, in numerology, 40 symbolizes a change in patterns, a change in structure. Practicing something for 4 days will make it turn into a habit. So if you wish to hop on this band wagon, please do so, and you’re more than welcome to share this and even to adapt it to you. The more people that do it, the stronger the intentional community, and so it will be more effective for all. There are no set rules, but my suggestion is to implement each day one of these actions or habits that I’m proposing. It really doesn’t matter when you start or in what order you do this. I just hope you enjoy it and it makes your life a wee bit better. <3 Guiomar Ramírez-Montesinos The 40 steps#1 – Laugh like a child. Try to laugh wholeheartedly at least once a day, and when you do, remember the rest of the day that you did!
#2 – Give thanks for the new day. Be thankful for each new day, no matter how cloudy, rainy or gloomy. There is always a reason to celebrate life. #3 – Listen to uplifting music. At least once a day, stop what you’re doing and listen to a song that brightens your day and lifts you up. #4 - Admire the detailed beauty of plants. Plants can connect us to the Universe and the Earth, thanks to the intricate patterns they hold, with fractal geometry and the golden ratio. Stop for a moment and mindfully connect with a plant, and observe its details. #5 - Acknowledge your fears, thank them for having helped you, and tell them you don't need them anymore because you allready know who you are and what you want. A normal part of the process of lifting your vibration and opening up to the new is having old emotions and fears come up. This is because the higher vibration shifts and dislodges older more dense ones. The old has to come up to the surface and be acknowledged before being able to release it, making space for the new. #6 - Get moving! Dance, jump or run. Do something that helps release pent up energies. There should always be a balance between energies we receive and energies we express. You have to let go of old energies. #7 - Absorbe and be sunlight. Open the window or step outside and absorb the sunligh. Breath it in, feel it on your skin, as if you were a flower. Become the sunlight, and say, "I am the light, I am the Sun". #8 - Let go of the past. Consiciously or unconsciusly we are loyal to past stories, contracts or patterns. But anything old holds a much lower vibration than that which is new. So much so, that the vibration we hold won't let us align with the expansion that connects us with our soul's dreams and desires. Say, and feel it in your body, "I release all past contracts and memories". And remember, everything is perfect as is. #9 - Wish others a good day, wether you know them well or not. Be the one that strarts to spread joy and love around you., just bu wishing others a nice day. This can be very contagious! And if you start, who knows, maybe soon everyone will want to feel the connection and the love of sharing a smile and a good wish. #10 - Enjoy a sunrise. At least once or twice a month go out into nature and enjoy a sunrise. Watching the sun come out connects you to the rhythms of Nature and to the magic of life, as well as to joy and happinness. #11 - Ride a bike. Nothing gets your endorphines up like riding a bike! Cycling makes you feel free, makes you feel like a child again and connects you with your bike buddies in a very special way. #12 - Help someone out. Lend a hand, help someone in need. Empathy correlates with happiness! The idea is to be in tune with and connected to the world and the people around you. Life is not all about you, and when you open up and become aware of others and what is happening to them, you start to understand that, even with tiny details, youcan make a difference for someone else. #13 - Chant Om or hum a song. Om is the Universal sound, and chanting it -or just humming will also do- creates a vibration in your body which allows you to feel connected to life, others and the Universe. Om is the source of creation, it encompasses all time periods, past, present and future, it is eternal oneness of mind, body and soul, and it represents the whole Universe. https://m.wikihow.com/Chant-Om #14 - Be mindful of what you eat. You are what you eat. The energy of everything you intake affects your body, and this in turn affects what you think, which determines how you feel. So be very mindful of the things you eat and the environment you eat in, how you are feeling when you prepare your meal, where the products come from, what process did they go through, and observe how this makes you feel. #15 - Be kind & gentle to yourself. When you are angry at yourself, when you speak badly at yourself, when your inner judge criticizes you and belittles you, when you hate yourself..., Speak back kindly you yourself. Comfort your inner child, tell him that you love him, that you will always be there and you will not abandone him. When you are loving and kind to yourself, the love will spread out into the world, and peole will give love back to you. And Life and the Universe will reward you twofold with happiness and joy! #16 - Listen to the sounds of Nature. Listen mindfully to the sounds of Nature. Listen to the wind, the waves, a river, the leaves on a tree... Let yourself go and expand with the flow of Life and the cycles of Nature. Wind is there to teach us how to let go and trust. #17 - Clean and clear your space. Cleaning helps raise the vibration of your space. Order clears blockages, so it's easier to direct your energy. And cleaning makes space for new things in your life. #18 - Go hygge. The Danes have a way of life that values making a beautiful and comfortable home, in which to rest and read, or share good moments with family or friends. Go hygge: create mindfully a space in your home for gathering and sharing with friends and family, or just simply for reading next to others. This is why the Danes are the happiest people in the planet. #19 - When your head starts to spin with worry and doubts, stop and asked yourself what are you feeling in your body. Thoughts spinning round are the egoic mind. Ego is when we disconnect from our body and heart. Worrying and doubting is Ego. There's a lot of new energy coming in to the planet, and sometimes it's hard on the body to feel such intensity. But the key is to focus your attention on your body and what you are feeling. And once you name the feeling, you can intend it to shift and let it go. #20 - Be grateful for all you've achieved so far, and love yourself for all you have not. At the midpoint of this challenge, I'm inviting you to stop and feel how you are, how far you've gone. Be grateful for what you have achieved and for your progress. And be gentle with yourself when you get stuck. Love yourself for your mistakes too. If you wish to lift your vibration, all of you has to go along. After 20 days you are now a little more aware ofyourself and your feelings, and you are able to raise your own vibration mindfully. Be grateful for the experience. #21 - Wake up before dawn. In this 40 day road to happiness I discovered that waking up before dawn is the thing that made the most difference in how I feel! And then I realized all the happy people I now wake up before the sun rises. I always thought I was a night person, but I have decided that no more. I feel way happier waking up early. Try it out for a few days and see the difference it makes! #22 - Breath deeply & consciously at least 3 times a day. Especially when we are stressed or worried, we do not realize how often we stop breathing. At least 3 times a day, be mindful of how you breath, and breath deeply 3 times. Breathing helps clear old patterns and connects you to Life force. #23 - Let go of guilt. Everything is as it should be. All is always perfect for your own growth and awakening. Guilt gets in the way of you informing the Universe if your experience, and doesn't allow you to release old patterns. Guilt also attracts situations that are punishing to you, and that way you have the excuse to project it on something. If you feel guilty, you cannot have a shift in consciousness. So remember, everything is always perfect as it is. Don't judge yourself. Accept yourself just how you are and with what you do. #24 - Share time with people that make you feel good. Get together with friends and family you really want to share with, organize lunch or brunch, a walk, a tea or a coffee. Life is all about the connections we make! #25 - Everyone does something out of love. When we are low, our mind tends to be more critical and unacceptant. Try this game: ask yourself, "what does he/she do out of love?". And don't try to think the answer, just let it come to you or feel it. Everybody hurts sometimes. Everyone feels lonely sometimes. And for the same reasons, everybody does something out of love. #26 - Be generous of heart. It's not about what you give or what you do. It's not about what you think. It's about what you feel. It's a way of listening, it's a smile, it's a small detail... Feel your heart and your own connection to the Universe. Expand that from inside you and reach out to others from your heart. It's being in silence and truly understanding and listening to others, it's making space for them and acceptance. #27 - Choose a different path, be creative. Go out of your comfort zone, think outside the box. When you do this, when you choose consciously to do something different, you are opening up your mind and stimulating your curiosity. You are trying out new neural connections in your brain. New choices and actions bring happiness because that which is new vibrates higher that that which is old and repetitive! #28 - Be & feel more, and do less, when your mind starts going fast on its own, when you worry or doubt, when you see yourself criticising, or when you are running around with stress. All these are symptoms of an emotion running through your body which you are not acknowledging. So stop and feel, breath deeply, name the emotion, feel it for a minute, and then let it go. Life is all about having the experience, which means feeling the emotion. The more we run away with our mind or body from what we feel, the harder the experience has to be for us to feel it. So stop, feel, breath, hold the emotion for a minute, and let go. #29 - Rebalance & ground yourself. After all the Xmas gatherings with family and friends, it's easy to have gotten out of your center. The tree yoga pose is a good way to work on your balance. Or you can try out this meditation: first breath in and out deeply through your nose 3 times. Then, while breathing deeply 3 times each sentence, say:
#30 - Embrace the power & the light of your Soul. Every single one of us is a unique being, here on this Earth to shine its light in its own creative way. Don't worry if you don't know what it is, because your mind doesn't have a clue. Your mind is not steering your vessel, your Soul is. So say, "I embrace the power and the light off my soul, and I show my light and my uniqueness to the world". #31 - Choose from love, not from fear. People who are highly sensitive strive to achieve harmony around them, because when others feel good, they feel good. But often they end up feeling that it is their obligation to make other feel good and take care of them. And they feel that it is their fault when others are not happy and well. Guilt means choosing from fear, and it makes you think that their is something more you have to do, and it makes you criticize yourself and others. This disconnects you from your heart. So respect your sensitivity. If you feel you're tied up in obligations, if your to-do list is longer than your toilet roll, if you can't help criticising..... STOP! PUT YOUR HAND ON YOUR HEART, AND SAY, "I CHOOSE FROM LOVE". The world right now needs sensitive people who are connected to their heart, and not so much people who want to do things right for others! #32 - Let your heart guide your actions, and not your mind. When you think you "have to do" something, you are letting your mind go before your heart So change the words you say to yourself or out loud for, "I want to", "I'm going to", "I feel like doing"... And be conscious of not conditioning your action to time. Instead of saying you don't have time or "until.…, I can't..." (which take you out of the present moment and out of coherence), say to yourself that you have all the time you need, and all timing is perfect. After all, YOU CHOOSE to do what you do all the time. Be coherent and, instead of conditioning yourself to things outside of you, acknowledge and accept your choices. Observe how your body contracts when you use words that limit and condition your action, and feel how it expands when you acknowledge your choice! #33 - Watch the Sun set & let go of the old. The Sun has a magical quality when it sets, it takes away any old patterns and feelings you don’t want anymore with you. In this last day of 2018, I invite you to go see the Sun set, and when it starts to drop down the horizon, intend to let go of any old feelings, any sadness, and all those obsolete patterns that you want no more in your life, and that do not resonate with the new version of you that you intend for 2019. #34 - Go for a walk. No matter where, no matter how long or short, how easy or difficult, or if you walk with someone or you're on your own... Walk forward and don't look back, except to admire the views and value how far you've gone. May your steps be guided by your heart, even if you get lost or you think you have list the trail... Just keep in walking and create a new one. #35 - Listen & care for your body. Your inner child is that part of you that was not fully attended by your mom, because she had her own issues. Your inner child is in your body. Listen to it and take care of your basic needs and make your inner child/body feel secure. No one else can do that for you. No one else can fill this inner void. Listen to your body & take care of it as if it were a baby. Be tender and caring with your body. Nurture it and make it feel secure. This is what is called self love, and this will allow you to feel and hold emotions in your body, which is the key to transformation and raising in consciousness. This is how you can connect and radiate love. And this is how you can flow with life and abundance. #36 - Wake up slowly, take your time and enjoy a healthy & nutritious breakfast. In our modern society we tend to discard the importance of the first hours of the day. Just as when a baby is born, the mother must welcome his soul into its body very slowly, so must we give ourselves time and nurturing when we wake up in the morning, to allow our soul and our energy to come back into the body. Ignoring this need and rushing off to work or to do things is like traumatizing your inner child, and punishing him alone in a corner of your psyche. Don't do that to yourself. Having a family and work to do is no excuse to treat yourself poorly. I'm sure your family will also benefit from waking up slowly and sharing calmly over a nice breakfast. While we sleep, we process a lot of personal and sometimes collective emotions. You need time to express them and let them go. A nice nutritious and delicious breakfast will help you ground yourself, and will help your soul and your energy connect with your body. This is how the emptiness and sadness will disappear. And if you share that breakfast over a calm enlighting conversation and some soft uplifting music, so much the better!! #37 - Feel gratitude for all you have now. Carry a gratitude journal, and mindfully give thanks for all that you have right now. Try doing this all day today. Give thanks for your family, for your friends, for the place you live in, for the things you have. Give thanks for the shape of the cloud or the size of a tree. Feel great ful for the sea, the mountains, the rain and the Sun... Together with waking up before dawn, this is the most powerful practice for raising your vibration and connecting with happiness! I invite you to try it out the whole day, and in the future, whenever you need to pick your vibe up. #38 - Practice yoga. Not because it's a great exercise, or because you want to feel less stressed, or even because it's good for relieving pain, but because it's going to help you receive in your body the new energies that are coming into the planet. These new energies are strong and will shake our foundations to the bottom. Your body needs to be open and receptive to let them flow through. If energies get stuck in your body, you will feel fear and be tired, like if something or someone takes your energy away. And your mind starts to criticize and goes obsessive. So practice yoga, even if it's doing a few sun salutations each morning, when you wake up. You'll feel the difference! #39 - Act goofy in front of a mirror and laugh at yourself. Just look at how you express your true self. Try to feel your smile and your laughter. Look at yourself being silly and innocent as a child, until you feel that the person you see in the mirror is someone really nice, that you would like to get together with. Society has very strict and impossible aesthetic rules, which are not natural for most of us. But what truly makes you beautiful is not your looks, but the energy you radiate. This is the expression of your soul. The more you try to conform to social norms, the less you express your true self, the more you reject yourself. So the further you go way from your true inner beauty, your own energy, the more invisible you are. Loves is when you express yourself from the inside, smiling, laughing, being silly, acting like a child. This is what attracts happiness, abundance and opportunities into your life. So be authentic, be real and bring YOU out into the world!!! #40 - Trust there is a higher purpose. Now that we've reached the end of the road together, all that's left is to trust that there is a higher purpose for all that happens to us, trust that there Spirit guides us, and now that we've done our part to pick up our vibe, it's time to let go and trust! These last 40 days on this road together, we've discovered that feeling better and more aligned is in your hands. We've learned to take care of our body, our emotions and our mind. And that to be able to manifest your soul's purpose, you must be in coherence, in alignment and resonating with happiness. Hundreds of us have navigated this road together, creating a powerful intentional community that will always be there every time you need to come back and do the exercises. Now all that's left is to trust Universe and open up for receiving help. Let go of any control, it's not all about your will power. Now you have to trust there is a higher purpose, and direct your actions on the path you want, but being very flexible. You must be open and vulnerable (not victim) to receive the help you need to carry out your dream. Because we are not doing this alone, even though we don't have a clue of how and with whom. So just trust and move forward while you keep open to change and to others. Thank you so much for being a part of this #roadtohappiness. I would love to know how it has helped you in your path.
1 Comentario
about meMy name is Guiomar Ramírez-Montesinos. I am a psychologist, astrologer and transformational coach. I consider myself to be a change agent. |